The new version allows to position and scale all text and logos as needed.
Here is some feedback from around the world:
UK: From a Chauffeur ***** MichaelBateson
Over the years, I've tried all manner of Meet & Greet boards and apps. This is the best so far!
UK: Good Job ***** by Dozyprawn
Simple, effective, and does what it says on the tin!
Australia: Ausiejohnb ***** by Ausiej
As a chauffeur I am using this app daily and find it the best way to find your client.
Sweden; Bra App för taxi
Snygg och lättjobbad app för att skriva in kunduppgifter när man hämtar på hotell, flygplats etc. Bra att man kan lägga in både kund- och taxilogga samt att man kan flytta runt och ändra text och bild med gester. Bästa pickup-appen jag hittat hittills.
Austria: SSS ***** by Aberli5
Schön, super, sinnvoll
Finally ***** by billyray - Version 1.2 (old version)
Updating my review. The ad banners are finally gone after my upgrade purchase. Works great, especially if you want to display a large logo with the name.